Page Tools

Click the arrow in the upper left corner from within the Drag & Drop Editor to access the Tools Menu
Publish layout
Publishes the layout without closing the Drag & Drop Editor.
Save Template
This allows you to save the current layout as a template that can be used on other pages or posts.
Duplicate layout
Copies the entire page and all metadata from the back end, including Yoast SEO data. Creates and opens a new page or post with "copy" in the title.
Preview layout
Opens a preview screen, where you can preview as a small, medium, or large device. Click Continue editing to return to the Drag & Drop editing screen.

Responsive editing
Edit your layout directly in a medium or small device view. Click Exit to return to large screen editing.
Display the previously published revisions available to revert to. The number of revisions available is displayed in brackets. This menu item uses the core WordPress revision feature but makes it more convenient to view and access revisions. See this article for more information.
Global settings
Drag & Drop Editor settings that apply as defaults. Most of these settings can be overridden on individual pages. There's also a CSS and JavaScript tab to enter CSS and JavaScript that will apply to content layout throughout your site.
Change UI brightness
This option is a toggle that changes the UI skin from light (default) to dark and back.
WordPress admin
Choosing this option opens a submenu with shortcuts to get to popular spots in the WordPress admin by opening a new browser tab.