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Drag & Drop Editor
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- Button Module
- Callout Module
- Call to Action Module
- Contact Form Module
- Content Slider Module
- Countdown Module
- Gallery Module
- Heading Module
- HTML Module
- Icon Module
- Icon Group Module
- Link to a PDF
- Map Module
- Menu Module
- Number Counter Module
- Photo Module
- Posts Carousel Module
- Posts Module
- Posts Slider
- Pricing Table Module
- Text Editor Module
- Separator Module
- Sidebar Module
- Slideshow Module
- Subscribe Form Module
- Tabs Module
- Testimonials Module
- Video Module
Posts Module
The Posts module is the non-animated version of the three Posts modules (Posts, Posts Slider, Posts Carousel), and it has the most versatility with layouts, settings, and content filters.
Click and drag the Posts Module onto the page...
Featured Image
Post Info
Post terms
Post content
General Settings
Default | None | Solid | Dashed | Dotted | Double
Choose a colour or preset colour.
Choose a width for the border, clicking the link will lock the widths.
Radius and Shadow
The Radius setting rounds the corners of the border box area to round the corners of either the border line, if you set one, or the edges of a row, column, or module background.
When you click any of the Radius value fields, a slider appears to quickly adjust the value. You can make all four corners the same value by clicking the Link icon.
Box Shadow:
The Box shadow effect also works with sliders. Moving the X slider to the left adds a background shadow to the left, and moving it to the right adds a shadow to the right. You can also add blur to make it more shadow-like, and increase the spread to change the size of the shadow.
Keep as Custom Query
Choose Posts to display and order
Choose pagination style, posts per page and search settings
Choose Posts to display and order
The Advanced tab offers nearly identical settings on all Drag & Drop Editor rows, columns, and modules.
Spacing section
For rows and columns, you can change the default margin and padding values. For modules, you can change the default margin values only.
Visibility section
In the Breakpoint field, you can set the row, column, or module to display or hide based on device size. In the Display field, you can choose to display the row, column, or module always, never, or only to logged-in or logged-out users.
Animation section
You can assign an entrance animation, which activates the first time the page is loaded and the row, column, or module comes into view. The default is None. If you choose an entrance animation, set the delay (how long before the animation starts, in seconds) and a duration (how long the animation lasts, in seconds.).
HTML Element section
You can choose a different HTML container element for the row, column, or module (advanced users only).
For example, for reasons of accessibility you might want to use an HTML container tag that has more semantic value than a <div
tag, such as <section>
Add a CSS ID or class value to the row, column, or module.
ID names must be unique on a page, so assign an ID only when you need to reference that unique ID. For example, a link to an anchor on the page requires a unique anchor so it know exactly where to go. Class names are usually intended for reuse and are often used in CSS rules. For example, you might want to assign a different text size to all HTML headings with an fl-heading
Table 1: Layout tab in Posts module
Section | Field | Description |
Layout | Columns : Posts are displayed in top-aligned rows. Title, metadata, and content appear under featured image. Columns layout lets you choose number of columns. Masonry : Posts are displayed in columns but vertical spacing is fit to the height of the post (unless the equal heights setting is selected). Masonry layout lets you choose the width of each post in pixels. Gallery : Post title and metadata are overlaid on the featured image and isplayed on mouseover. There is no option to display content. if there is no featured image, an image icon is displayed. Gallery layout offers no options to set number of columns or post width. List : The posts are listed vertically in a single column. |
Post layout (Requires Beaver Themer) | Enables the use of custom HTML to display the posts. Though this field requires Beaver Themer, you can create custom layouts both in Themer layouts and in a Posts module that you add to the content area of a regular page. For example, you can use a custom layout to provide a fallback image if the eatured image isn't present or you can display custom fields. | |
Posts (all except Gallery layouts) | Equal heights | (Columns and Masonry layouts only) Creates a border box of equal height around each post. The border box is sized to fit the post of greatest height in the display. Tip: Setting Equal heights to Yes for the Masonry layout changes the masonry appearance to look like the Columns layout. The major difference is that you set width of each box in Masonry layout and number of columns in Columns layout. |
Columns | (Columns layout only) Maximum number of columns in each layer. Readjusts automatically as screen size grows smaller. Clicking the icon next to this field shows the responsive posts display for large, medium, and small devices. |
Post width | (s Masonry layout only) Width of each post display in pixels. |
Post spacing | Distance between post border boxes horizontally and vertically, in pixels. The Post spacing value does not affect the spacing above the top layer of posts, but it does affect the spacing below the bottom layer of posts. |
Post padding | Distance between a post's border and its text (the post title, metadata, and content). The featured image is not affected by this setting, so if there is a featured image the upper post padding occurs between the featured image and the post text. | |
Posts element | Lets you select a different content sectioning element from the default <div> . If unsure, leave the default setting. |
Posts element class | Lets you assign a custom class to the content section. | |
Featured Image | Image | (All except Gallery layout) Show or hide the post's featured image. |
Image position | (All except Gallery layout) Set where the featured image appears relative to post title or post content. Columns and Masonry layout: Above the post title or above the post content. List layout: Above title, above post content (and below post title and post info), left of both title and content, left of post content (image appears under title and post info and left of post content). |
Image size | (All except Gallery layout) Which size image from the WordPress Media Library to use. Note: The image will always be sized to fit the post max width, so this setting affects image resolution rather than the actual size of the image on the page. This setting doesn't change the amount of crop. Increasing mage size increases the size of the file loaded, which can affect page load time. |
Image spacing | (All except Gallery layout) Where the spacing occurs depends on the Image position setting. Above title : The number of pixels above, left, and right of the image. The space between the image and the post title is controlled by the Post padding value. Above content : The number of pixels left and right of the image. Left or Left content ( List layout only): Spacing between the image and the text to the right. Right or Right content ( List layout only): Spacing between the image and the text to the left. Note: As image spacing increases, the image becomes smaller. When the spacing gets larger than the column width, the image will jump larger and become displaced outside the column. For example, if you have a Masonry layout set to 300px, setting the Image spacing to 150px means there is no more room for the image to be sized within the column. The exact number of pixels that causes this to happen depends on the number or width of the columns. |
Image width | (List layout only) When Image position is Left or Left content or Right or Right content the Image width setting determines the width of the column in which the image appears. Note that if Image spacing is >0, the image column width stays the same, but the text column width is reduced by that number of pixels. |
Fallback image | Choose an image that will appear for any single post doesn't have a featured image. Post info |
Date | Show or hide the post date. | |
Date format | (Appears when Date is set to Show) Select Default to use the WordPress date format specified in Settings > General or override the default with a specific date format. |
Comments | (Columns, Masonry, and List layouts) Show or hide the number of comments. |
Separator | (Columns, Masonry, and List layouts) Choose the character that separates the display of author, date, and comments on the same line. The default is the pipe character. |
Content (all except Gallery layout) | Content | Show or hide post content. If set to Yes, the entire post excerpt is displayed, if the post has content in the Excerpt field. If there's no excerpt, the WordPress default of the first 55 words of the post content is displayed, with an ellipsis of three dots at the end to show there is more content. |
Content length | Set a custom number of words in the post content to display (default is 55). This setting has no effect on post excerpts. It applies only when the post has no excerpt and post content is displayed. | |
More link | Show or hide the Read more link after the post content. If set to Show, you can also customize the default Read more text. |
More link text | (Appears if More link is set to Show) Customize the default Read more text. |
The Gallery layout has a different set of settings and is presented in Table 3.
Table 2: Columns, Masonry, and List Style tab in Posts module
Section | Field | Description |
Posts | Post alignment | Sets the overall alignment of the post title, post info, and post content. This setting can be overridden for each component in the Typography subsection for each component (title, info, content) in the Text section of the Style tab. |
Post background color | The color fill of each post border box. Opacity is set within the color picker. | |
Border | The Border section has settings for border, radius, and shadow. See the articles about borders and border effects. |
Text | Title color | Color of the post title. |
Title Typography | The standard typography section applied to the post title. | |
Post info color | Color of the post info (author, date, comments, separator). Note: By default the link color in the Post Info is set by the theme's accent color, if there is one. If you set Post info color, the color of the entire Post Info line is this color, with no distinction between text and links. |
Post info Typography | The standard typography section applied to the post info. | |
Content color | Color of post content. | |
Content Typography | The standard typography section applied to the post content. | |
Link color | (List layout full text only) Sets the color of links in full-text post content. |
Link hover color | (List layout full text only) Sets the hover color of links in full-text post content. |
The following table applies to the Style tab for Gallery layout only.
Table 3: Style tab for Gallery layouts in Posts module
Section | Field | Description |
Hover transition | The type of transition when a user mouses over a post in the display: fade, slide up or down, scale up or down. | |
Overlay colors | Overlay text color | The color of text overlaid on the featured image. |
Overlay background color | The color of the overlay placed on the featured image. This setting is generally used to make the overlay text color more legible. Opacity is set in the color picker. | |
Icons | Use icon for posts | Choose Yes to display an icon on the line above or below the text. |
Post icon | Select the icon you want to display. | |
Post icon position | Above or below the text. | |
Post icon color | Icon color | |
Post icon size | Size in pixels of the icon |
Table 4: Content tab of Posts module
Section | Field | Description |
Source | Main query or custom query. The default for a standard Beaver Builder layout is Custom query, which enables all the other fields on this tab. In Beaver Themer, the default is Main query, because normally for a Themer layout you want the query for posts to be based on whatever archive page the query is created for. When the selection is main query, none of the other settings for the Content tab appear. |
Custom query | Post type | Choose pages, posts, or a custom post type, such as WooCommerce Products or a custom post type that you create yourself. |
Order | Descending or ascending, and whether it is by date, numerical, or alphabetical depends on the Order by setting. | |
Order by | The choices are Author, Comment count, Date, Date last modified, ID, Menu order, Meta value (alphabetic or numeric), Random, Title. If you display pages in Menu order, you are effectively displaying a menu, with the added ability to display a content summary of the page. The Meta value option enables ordering by a custom field. If you select either the alphabetic or numeric Meta value option, a Meta key field appears so you can enter the key ( meta_key ). |
Offset | Enter an integer if you want to skip a certain number of posts in the order specified in the Order setting. | |
Exclude current post | Excludes the current post from the query. This is useful when you are using the module to create a list of related posts on a single post page. | |
Posts, Pages, Products, etc. | (The label matches the single post name for the Post type you have set) Include or exclude a set of posts, page, products, etc., by title. Start typing a word, and the titles containing that word will be displayed for you to choose. Keep selecting titles until you have the set you want to include or exclude. |
Categories | (When the Post type setting is Posts) You can include or exclude categories to display. The third setting, Match related categories except, is useful in Singular-type Themer layouts when you want to use the Posts module to display a list of related posts, and you want to display the related posts in a family of categories except for the specific categories that you name. |
Tags | (When the Post type setting is Posts) You can include or exclude tags to display. The choices are the same as for including or excluding categories. |
Authors | You can include or exclude posts or pages by specific authors. |
The Pagination tab has settings that let you divide a large collection of posts into manageable chunks, as described in the following table.
Section | Field | Description |
Pagination | Pagination style | See below the table for screenshots of these choices. Numbers : The page numbers appear under the posts, and when a different number is clicked, the new chunk of posts replaces the previous chunk of posts. Scroll : Chunks of posts are loaded into subsequent rows on the same page as the user scrolls down. Load more button : Appears under the initial chunk of posts, and when clicked it generates the next chunk of posts. The user must keep clicking to get each next chunk. This setting works better than Scroll when you want your users to have more control over the display, or when network bandwidth is low and you don't want to use resources loading more chunks of posts unless the user really wants to see them. None: No pagination. Use this setting when you want to display only a subset of posts. For example, you might want to display only the three most recent posts. |
Posts per page | Determines how many posts constitute each chunk. The default is 10 posts. Note: Posts per page does not set the number of columns across the page. That is controlled automatically according settings on the Layout tab and screen width. For example, if the screen size allows 3 posts per row and your Posts per page is set to 5, you will see three posts in the first row and two posts in the second row in the first chunk of posts. Note: When Source on the Content tab is set to Main query, this Posts per page setting does not appear. In this case, the number of posts that appears on the page is determined by the WordPress value for the Blog pages show at most field at Settings > Reading in the WordPress admin panel. |
No Results message | The message displayed when there are no posts to display. | |
Show search | Show or hide a search form when no posts are found. See the screenshot below the table. | |
Load more button | (Button settings) | This section appears when |
Pagination style is set to Load more button. It contains the usual style settings for a button.