How to use the Search Engine Optimization Tools

If you're using our Drag & Drop Editor, you can access the SEO tools by clicking Edit Page/Post Attributes on the page or post that you want to edit. Otherwise click Edit Page/Post.

drag and drop editor button

SEO features

Your website was built with some advanced SEO features to help your content rank highly on the search engines. "Defaults" of these features have been setup for you based on your business's industry and general content.

SEO tools

The advanced SEO tools are located in the Yoast SEO Palette in the WordPress page and post editor.

TIP:The Snippet, shown in the Yoast SEO Palette shows you a preview of what the Page or Post's listing will look like in Google. Change it as desired and as the SEO Analysis results suggest. The description in the Snippet can be changed on the fly by Google depending on what the user has searched for.

How to change the snippet that’s shown in the search engines:

The SEO Title by default will be followed by the name of the website. Normally you'll see "placeholders" here for "Title", "Page" etc. These should be deleted and replaced with your text as desired and as suggested by the SEO Analysis tool.

The Meta Description by default will be a generated excerpt of the text at the beginning of the page or post.

To Change the SEO Title:

  1. Click Edit snippet
  2. Type a New SEO Title

To Change the Meta Description:

  1. Click Edit snippet
  2. Type a New SEO Description

Get tips for writing optimized content based on a Focus Keyword or Keyphrase:

Your focus keyword or keyphrase should be one or two words that describe the content of the page or the words you think users will search for to find your content.

TIP: Use this tool as a guide. It’s not as sophisticated as Google and other search engines at understanding page content and non exact matches. Furthermore, I highly recommend mixing the wording up. Perhaps using different variations of the focus keyword / keyphrase throughout the page content, just as you’re potential clients might.

  1. Type a Focus Keyword or Keyphrase
  2. Your content will then be analyzed and a list of suggestions will be shown
  3. Make the suggested changes as desired especiailyy things like the SEO Page Title, Headings, Text Content and Photo Content.
  4. In the Publish Palette, the Yoast SEO software will display a red, orange or green symbol. Try to achieve a green circle with the GOOD rating.