To Set up Email on your iOS Device

Access your device's settings...

  1. On your device, go to Settings
  2. Tap Passwords & Accounts
  3. Tap Add Account
  4. Tap Other,
  5. Tap Add Mail Account

Enter the information required...

  1. In the Name field, enter your name or company name
  2. In the email field, enter your email address
  3. In the password field, enter your password
  4. Optionally in the description field, enter a description

Enter the incoming server information...

Incoming Mail Server
Host Name:
User Name: Enter your email address
Password: Enter your email password

Enter the outgoing server information...

Outgoing Mail Server
Host Name:
User Name: Enter your email address
Password: Enter your email password

Advanced, Server settings and Ports...

It's recommended to use SSL for security, you can double check these settings but they should be fine using the default settings.

Server Standard Ports
Incoming server (IMAP):
143993 (SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP):
80, 3535, 25465 (SSL)

Tap Next and you're done!

If you're experiencing problems, please use the link below.