Quickstart: Drag and Drop Page Editor

How to login

  1. Open a web browser such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox or Edge
  2. Go to your website
  3. Add wp-admin after the /

The address bar should then read: mywebsite.com/wp-admin

  1. Enter your Username & Password
  2. or click Forgot Password
Website Editing Toolbar
Website Editing Toolbar

Once you're logged in, the main website editing toolbar will appear at the top of the page, as shown above.

How to access the Drag and Drop Editor

  1. Go to the page that you want to edit
  2. Click the Drag and Drop Editor button in the toolbar at the top of the page.

drag and drop editor button

VID Builder toolbar
VIDesigns Drag & Drop Page Editing toolbar

The main toolbar will be replaced by the Drag and Drop Editor Toolbar, as shown above.

Edit Page Content

  1. Click on the content that you want to edit.
  2. A popup window will appear where you can edit the content and it's settings such as margins, padding and add animations.

The settings that are shown will differ depending on the type of content that you're editing.

Choose a type of content from the Instruction menu on the left to learn more about editing each content type.

To ADD new content:

Click on the + icon in the upper right corner.

VID Drag & Drop builder
The main Drag & Drop Editor menu

To save your changes:
Click Done, then either Save Draft or Publish

More instructions are coming soon.... If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us.

Anatomy of a webpage

anatomy of a webpage