The Page and Post Editor
These are instructions for the native WordPress Editor. Your website probably uses the Drag and Drop Editor.
The Page and Post Editor has a few different areas that hold settings, options and shortcuts.

The Page and Post Editor Toolbar

Add a New Content Block
Undo / Redo
Select a Content Block
Move Block Up / Move Block Down
Save | Publish | Update | Preview
Settings Panel Toggle
More Tools and Options menu
The Document and Block Settings
The Settings palette contains two tabs, one for the Document and one for the selected Block (if one is selected).

From here you can edit the Post's or Page's settings.
Status & Visibility:
Change who can see the Page or Post, the date it was published or delete it.
View and/or revert to an earlier saved version of the Page or Post.
Change the URL for the Post or Page.
If a Post, choose a category for it.
If a Post, choose Tags for it (if applicable.
Featured Image:
If applicable, choose a Featured Image for the Page or Post.
If applicable and desired, write a custom excerpt.
Commenting settings.
More Tools and Options
This menu contains options for customizing your view and editing experience.
- TOP TOOLBAR Toggle this on to stick all the Content Block tools to the Page and Post Editor Toolbar.
- SPOTLIGHT MODE Toggle this on to focus your view on the current Content Block.
- FULLSCREEN MODE Toggle this on to hide the WordPress Admin Toolbar & Dashboard menu.
You won't have any need to adjust these, however use as desired.
- Choose what Options (Document Panels and custom content areas) you see in the Document and Block Settings Panel. TIP: If you have custom blocks, you'll need to tick the box beside these to edit the content.
If you have custom blocks, you'll need to tick the box beside them to view and edit the content.