Website Design
Graphic Design
North Island Rockpro
Website design for North Island Rockpro:
About the company:
Building access to northern Vancouver Island’s greatest resources since 1981 is what Norht Island Rockpro does best. As a general contractor based in Port Hardy, British Columbia they build forestry roads and civil engineering projects, from ground breaking through to completion. Their skilled crews use tough and proven equipment to build solid ground, graded to specification.
Our objectives:
Show the diverse range of projects that North Island Rockpro specializes in building. With a good selection of custom photography we showed the equipment and supplies that they have to accomplish even the toughest jobs. On site pictures show the talent, knowledge and experience of the crew.
- Custom WordPress website
- Search Engine Optimization
- Responsive layout
- Easy to Update
- Product Photography & Gallery
- Custom Graphic Design
- Researched Written Content
- Project Gallery