Add your email account to the Mail app on iOS devices

  1. Open your iPhone or iPad's Settings.
  2. To add your Microsoft 365 account, tap Mail, then Accounts.
    In Mail, tap Accounts
  3. Tap Add Account.
    In Mail, tap Accounts
  4. Tap Microsoft Exchange.
    Tap Microsoft Exchange from the menu
  5. Enter your Email and a short Description (like your company's name or email type), and then tap Next.
    Enter email, company description, and tap Next
  6. Tap Sign In to confirm you want to use your Microsoft Exchange account.
    Tap Sign In to sign in to your Exchange account
  7. Enter your Password and tap Sign In. (You might need to choose your account type as a Work or School to continue.)
    Enter email password and sign in

    Note: If Microsoft can't find your account, you might be asked to enter your details manually:

    Email: Your Microsoft 365 email address
    Password: Your Microsoft 365 email password
    Server: (this is required)
    Domain: This can be left empty
    Username: Your Microsoft 365 email address

    Note: If you forgot your email password, here's how to reset it.

  8. Tap Next. You might be asked to select Consent on behalf of your organization. This allows Microsoft 365 and the Mail app to work together. Tap Accept.
  9. Tap Save. You can come back and update settings here at any point.
    Review settings and tap save
  10. If you've verified that your emails are all there in the new account, and are ready to remove your POP/IMAP account, still in Accounts, tap the email account, then Delete Account, and then Delete from My iPhone.