How to Send an E-Newsletter
Once you have gotten your Newsletter ready to go…

Click Campaigns
- Click Create Campaign.
- Choose Email.
- Give the Campaign a Name.
Add Recipients
- Click Add Recipients.
- Choose your Audience and optionally Choose a Tag.
- Click the box to Personalize the “To” field.
- Choose |FNAME| |LNAME|.
Choose the “From” details
- Click Edit From.
- Use your Full name or the name of your company.
Add a Subject
- Click Add Subject.
- Type a good short and enticing subject line.
Choose a Template
- Click Design Email.
- If you already have designed your Newsletter…
- Click Saved Templates.
- Choose the Saved Template that you want to use. You’ll get a chance to review it and make edits.
- Edit the design as desired.
- Choose Save & Close from the bottom right corner when done.
Send a Test Email
It’s always recommended to send a test email
- Below the Preview of your Newsletter…
- Click Send a Test Email
- Enter the email address that you want the test Newsletter to be delivered to.
Is it Ready to go?
- If you want to make any changes after viewing the Test Newsletter…
- Click Templates from the Main Menu
- Choose the Template that you’re working on
- Edit it as desired
- If you’re ready to go…
- Click Send from the upper right corner